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Eminiş PackagingABOUT US

Eminiş Packaging took its first step into the plastic and metal packaging production sector in 1970. While serving to paint and chemical industry companies in the first years, it expanded its service network with the food sector. It took a big step in terms of institutionalism by opening to the Istanbul Stock Exchange in 1994.

Eminiş Packaging manufactures plastic injections using metal packaging and in-mold labeling system (IML-In Mold Labeling):

Construction Industry
Paint and Chemical Industry
Mineral Oil Sector
Construction Chemicals Industry
Pool Chemicals Industry

Food Industry
Confectionery Industry
Marmalade and Chocolate Industry
Powder Beverage Industry

Cosmetics Industry

It serves as a solution partner of its customers in many sectors such as

Apart from these sectors, it also supports its customers’ R&D studies with alternative solutions it offers.

Our vision;

To maintain its position as a leading, innovative and reliable manufacturer, to continue to be a strategic solution partner by adding value to its customers.

Our Mission;

  • To meet the demands of our customers with fast, effective and quality solutions,

  • To meet the expectations of our shareholders and to increase them steadily,

  • To encourage our employees to show the highest performance in their jobs.

  • To protect the environment by focusing on the perception of sustainability in production technologies.

Eminiş Packaging Integrated Management System;

  • Metal and plastic production processes at Eminiş Packaging activity address,

  • The stages from the procurement of the inputs that make up the products to the realization of operational activities and the delivery of the products to the customer, including storage,

  • Activities up to the disposal of the wastes belonging to Eminiş at the customer,

  • Activities up to the disposal of all kinds of waste in Eminiş,

  • The environment in which it interacts with and is affected by the working environment,

  • physical and environmental conditions,

  • Activities of managers, employees, trainees in the Eminiş,

  • Eminiş employee’s activities outside the company (commuting to work, supplier field inspections, customer visits, fair-seminar-training participation, etc.),

  • Companies located on the same campus,

  • Subcontractors, suppliers and visitors within the boundaries of the workplace,

  • Activities carried out by external suppliers for the process, product and service provided to Eminiş,

  • Activities in the production and warehouse area


Eminiş Packaging has to produce quality products that ensure customer satisfaction, by following the developments in technology and systems in an ever-increasing competitive environment, together with its commitment to fulfill the applicable legislation requirements and the applicable requirements of the ISO9001 management system.

“Eminiş Packaging Quality Philosophy” is a customer-oriented and continuous improvement program, and to ensure the satisfaction of our customers with quality products, timely delivery and acceptable prices.

The existing system will be continuously improved in order to meet the needs and expectations of all interested parties and to increase the quality of the product. This improvement will be supported by an application-oriented training approach that will enable our employees to develop themselves and improve customer and quality awareness.

The target is to produce with zero error, to make the best use of our existing resources by reducing scrap and waste. Ensuring an efficient working environment in a clean environment should be the common goal of all our employees.

Eminiş Packaging, While producing metal and plastic packaging for the chemical and food industries, it will be sensitive to all the environment it affects and is affected by and will fulfill all its obligations; The processes will be determined within the framework of the Environmental Management System and the necessary resources will be provided, and the necessary measures will be fully implemented in all areas in line with the determined processes; undertakes to take the following actions and measures in this direction:

  • To ensure that all wastes that may arise as a result of its activities are in the minimum amount and that no waste is left uncontrolled,
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of the environmental management system in order to fulfill all compliance obligations and increase environmental performance,
  • To determine the amount of use of resources such as electricity, water and natural gas used and to set targets in order to reduce them in a planned manner by taking advantage of technological innovations,
  • To provide awareness-raising trainings for everyone working on behalf of Eminiş to assimilate the company’s Environmental Policy and targets,
  • To ensure that all interested parties have access to our environmental policy,
  • To take all kinds of measures to prevent pollution and to protect the environment, to encourage control and regulatory activities,
  • To provide the necessary resources for the creation of an emergency plan for environmental safety and the effective management of emergency management,
  • Analyzing environmental accidents and determining their root causes and ensuring the development of the environmental management system.

To ensure food safety, high hygiene standards and continuity of customer satisfaction. To fulfill the domestic and international legal responsibilities related to food safety in addition to the Food Codex.

To ensure that employees are aware of the Food Safety Policy and take their necessary responsibility. To create food safety awareness of the employees by providing the necessary trainings to the employees and to ensure their continuous improvement.

To provide resources, to create, implement and maintain effective regulations to ensure communication with personnel on issues that have an impact on external communication and food safety.

To prevent all kinds of physical, chemical and microbiological contamination in all processes, including raw material procurement, production, storage and shipment stages, in order to ensure the quality and reliability of our plastic packaging products. To benefit from technological innovations related to packaging, in an appropriate infrastructure and working environment, to increase food safety and to meet the food safety requirements of customers and organizations.

To continuously improve the existing system by making arrangements with a system approach in line with the developing and changing customer demands, legal requirements and company targets for ensuring food safety.

Eminiş Packaging maintains its pioneering and leading position with its social responsibility awareness and practices.

It is in close cooperation with primary education, high school and higher education institutions in the region where it is established, especially in the field of education. Within the framework of the protocols signed with the Hereke Ömer İsmet Uzunyol Paint Technology School (www.uzunyolmyo.kou.edu.tr) within Kocaeli University, our students are taught with the training/seminar support given by my employees who have competencies in their field, and support is given to the training of qualified intermediate workforce that the industry needs. .

Our company, which supports the fairs that offer employment opportunities both as a participant and as a sponsor, also contributes to professional development with internship opportunities.

Working at Eminiş
Each employee of Eminiş Packaging knows what is expected of him and that he will directly contribute to the achievement of our company’s goals by realizing his individual goals. Our company, which trains its managers within its own structure, undertakes the mission of management school in this respect. It is in the first place in the list of companies that people who are looking for employment both in the sector and in the region they want to work with.

Eminişte Education=Development
Our company’s activities are supported by training programs. In this way, employees are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve the targeted results.

Newly recruited employees participate in the “On-the-Job Training Program” from the first day of their employment. This is followed by the “Orientation Programme”, which helps them adopt the group and company culture and facilitate their adaptation to the company. In line with the objectives of the company, Annual Training Plans are prepared, which include the necessary trainings for the employees to perform better.

Eminiş also offers opportunities such as enriching the work of its employees, assigning additional tasks and inviting them to the rotation program.

Job Application
All job applications to our company are accepted only through the “Job Application Form”. In order to be able to apply for a job, the form must be filled out completely and it must be stated in which departments of our company and in which positions you want to be employed. The same process applies to internship applications.

You can contact us to apply for a job.

ASD – Packaging Manufacturers Association – www.ambalaj.org.tr
SEPA – Rigid Plastic Packaging Manufacturers Association – http://www.ambalaj.org.tr/sepaindex.html
KİPLASTurkish Chemical, Petroleum, Rubber and Plastic Industry Employers’ Unionhttps://www.kiplas.org.tr
TİSK – Confederation of Turkish Employers’ Associations – https://www.tisk.org.tr

İMMİB – Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters’ Association – https://immib.org.tr

GEBZE TİCARET ODASI – Gebze Chamber of Commerce –https://www.gebzeto.org.tr

DİLOVASI ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ – Dilovasi Organized Industrial Zone – http://dosb.com.tr

İMMİB – Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters’ Association – https://immib.org.tr

MERKEZİ KAYIT KURULUŞU – Central Registry Agency – https://www.mkk.com.tr

BORSA İSTANBUL – Borsa İstanbul –https://www.borsaistanbul.com

While producing metal and plastic packaging for the chemistry and food industries, Eminiş Packaging has set a priority target to ensure safe working conditions and to complete operations safely in all its activities. Within the framework of the OHS Management System, it undertakes to effectively control activities to prevent personal injury, loss of life, health deterioration, damage to property and destruction of the environment.

The company will make the necessary changes and arrangements in line with the targets set within the framework of these rules and auxiliary systems. The Company undertakes to make the necessary arrangements to achieve the following objectives during all operations:

  • Evaluating the performance of the OHS management system and ensuring its continuous improvement by following the legal requirements, customer conditions and other conditions such as relevant legislation, laws, regulations and new rules published,
  • To ensure the continuity of operational development by analyzing occupational accidents, identifying their root causes and ensuring the development of procedures.
  • By ensuring compliance with health and safety rules, to prevent possible occupational diseases, physical injury and loss of life, to provide necessary personnel training,
  • Keeping the technical and operational efficiency of equipment and equipment at the highest possible level by making use of technological innovations, ensuring that possible faults are eliminated as quickly as possible by regularly checking them within the framework of the Planned Maintenance Program, storing or supplying the necessary spare parts,
  • To take the necessary measures against all the identified risks, to evaluate the measures taken and to ensure that the necessary changes are made,
  • To provide awareness-raising trainings for everyone working on behalf of Eminiş to assimilate the company’s OHS Policy and targets, to ensure that our policy is announced to the public.
  • Establishing an emergency response plan for occupational safety, keeping the necessary human resources and other equipment constantly available, revising them and carrying out planned/unplanned exercises, ensuring that all personnel participate in the exercises.

This clarification text is provided by EMINIŞ AMBALAJ SAN. in the capacity of data controller within the scope of the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Followed in the Fulfillment of the Disclosure Obligation with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (the “Law”). and tic. A.Sh. Prepared by (”EMINIŞ”).

Execution of Application Processes of Candidates, Execution of Employee Candidate Selection and Placement Processes, and Human Resources, by contacting you via our company’s website https://www.eminis.com.tr, by sending us your Name, Surname, E-Mail Address, Telephone Number and CV. It is processed for the purposes of Planning Resources Processes.

The personal data in question are processed automatically through our website https://www.eminis.com.tr/ based on the legal reason “the person concerned has been made public by himself” specified in Article 5 of the Law; however, it is not transferred to any third party.

You can submit your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law “regulating the rights of the data subject” to EMINIS in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller.

EMINIS PACKAGING INDUSTRY VETICARET INC. Click to see the ISO 14001:2015 certificate.

EMINIS PACKAGING INDUSTRY VETICARET INC.Click to see the ISO 9001:2015 certificate.